Big Wheel Addict

Les forums => Mécanique, Technique et Tuning => Discussion démarrée par: Anonyme le Jeu. 25 Nov. 2004, 19:38:02

Titre: searching tyres!!!
Posté par: Anonyme le Jeu. 25 Nov. 2004, 19:38:02
hi, bigwheellers
i´m looking for a  stock of TW31, TW34 tyres in france, near Nancy, Metz, Paris(last option), i think there is a pair of these tyres in france, i was in paris last year, i saw a lot of tws with that tyres.

Metz police use them too....

So, anyone can help me and tell me where can i get them (news).

Bridgestone france tell me TW31 Tw34 are out of catalog.

I need these tyres urgently

i live in canary island with a lot of sand roads, i want to try these tyres, anyone understand me...!!


Titre: Re: searching tyres!!!
Posté par: JF26 le Jeu. 25 Nov. 2004, 20:18:01
look :
chen-ching c913/c914. buy for distibuted hyosung karion :-P
hog help me for anglis traduction

Titre: Re: searching tyres!!!
Posté par: zaaman le Jeu. 25 Nov. 2004, 21:27:19
Hi canarian tiwiste :-D
hapy to see this forum known in the world

as said jf26 you can use chen-shing c913/c914 . Those tyres are made for Karon but can be used with you TWinstead of tw31/34.

But, if i remeber well you should find in this forum someone selling his tw31/34 tyres

let me check just a sec

So, first, you'll see the cheng shing tyres here


another brand did TW tyres

but not very popular

and for the members :
boso was selling the cheng shing tyres on august

and freeman also but looks that someone took them

I hope it helps

[ Edité par zaaman le 25/11/2004 20:42 ]

Titre: Re: searching tyres!!!
Posté par: Anonyme le Ven. 26 Nov. 2004, 13:26:57
allo a tout mon,
i want to buy cheng shin pneus, someone know where ion france can i buy them. if it´s possible near Nancy, Metz..


Titre: Re: searching tyres!!!
Posté par: tanaykwam le Ven. 26 Nov. 2004, 14:15:06
We should ask to Hannibal who lives in Nancy.

>Hannibal54000 :
Sais tu où le Monsieur pourrait acheter à Nancy ou à Metz des pneus "cheng shin" qui équipent les Karions? Connais-tu des adresses?

[ Edité par tanaykwam le 28/11/2004 18:05 ]