Titre: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions Posté par: K44rll le Mar. 05 Déc. 2006, 02:07:03 Japanese Yahoo Auctions, similiar to ebay
http://search.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/search/auc?p=%A5%D0%A5%F3%A5%D0%A5%F3+200&auccat=0 In Japanese but lots of nice parts, you can translate it via google language tools Karl Titre: Re: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions Posté par: chris13 le Mar. 05 Déc. 2006, 10:32:29 A lot of interesting goods and exaust for vanvan but they dont ship internationaly...Always the thame thing with Japan :-(
Titre: Re: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions Posté par: macbig2k1 le Mar. 05 Déc. 2006, 10:39:27 What do you think about this exhaust
(http://www.crd-international.com/photos/7700H7720TU.jpg) LINK (details) (http://www.crd-international.com/moto.php?type=1&marque=8&modele=47&search_annee=&view=11&langue=Fr) I ship international. [ Geändert von macbig2k1 an 05.12.2006 09:39 ] Titre: Re: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions Posté par: chris13 le Jeu. 07 Déc. 2006, 22:35:02 Thank U I allready have that one...
(http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/4185/photosvanvan008px0.th.jpg) (http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photosvanvan008px0.jpg) |