Big Wheel Addict

Les forums => Discussions générales => Discussion démarrée par: K44rll le Mar. 05 Déc. 2006, 02:07:03

Titre: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions
Posté par: K44rll le Mar. 05 Déc. 2006, 02:07:03
Japanese Yahoo Auctions, similiar to ebay

In Japanese but lots of nice parts, you can translate it via google language tools


Titre: Re: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions
Posté par: chris13 le Mar. 05 Déc. 2006, 10:32:29
A lot of interesting goods and exaust for vanvan but they dont ship internationaly...Always the thame thing with Japan   :-(

Titre: Re: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions
Posté par: macbig2k1 le Mar. 05 Déc. 2006, 10:39:27
What do you think about this exhaust

LINK (details) (

I ship international.

[ Geändert von macbig2k1 an 05.12.2006 09:39 ]

Titre: Re: Suzuki VanVan Japanese Yahoo Auctions
Posté par: chris13 le Jeu. 07 Déc. 2006, 22:35:02
Thank U I allready have that one...

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