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1  Les forums / Discussions générales / Re: tw200 le: Lun. 28 Janv. 2008, 01:06:21
Hello Taitai! thanks for your information. I hope to drive a tw200 soon and check it. Eh, do you know other bikes similar to van van or tw (big wheels, of course)?
2  Les forums / Discussions générales / HI Taitai! le: Dim. 27 Janv. 2008, 19:19:45
 Thanks taitai for your answer. I´m thinkinn in a 225 or 200 cc bike. I´m getting my license soon and i´m expecting for a bike.

tom26 a écrit :
3  Les forums / Discussions générales / tw200 le: Dim. 27 Janv. 2008, 19:12:05
Hello people! Has anybody driven a tw 200. I´ve got a question. I have driven a van van 125. The bike it´s precious but i don´t like that in second speed if i don´t push the gas handle, the bike stop. In 250 cc bikes it doesn´t happen  and i want to know if in tw 200 is the same than 250cc. Are reductions softly in tw 200. And what about acelerations?

Thanks for your answer men
4  Les forums / Discussions générales / Hello! le: Dim. 27 Janv. 2008, 12:09:47
Good morning people! I´m new at motorcycles and I have lots of questions, but the main is this: My sister have bught a suzuki van van 125 it´s ok, i like it a lot, but i don´t like that if you drive in second speed and you take your hand of the gas handle, the motorcycle does not keep on walking, it has no power and stop.
I also don´t like that the gas handle is very sensible and if you push it a little or if you take your hand of it a little, is like a braket. I have driven a 250 cc motrocycle and all in it is diferen´t, in second speed the bike keep on moving wihtout pushing the gas, the aceleration in short speeds are more progresive and if you take your hand of the gas it doesn´t reduce the speed suddenly but progresive so is softer. Is like driving a car.  
I want to buy a tw 225 and i want to know that as it has a powerful engine is similar to a 250cc and difrent to a van van 125.
Thanks everybody
5  Les forums / Discussions générales / Re: Import TW225 from Japan le: Sam. 26 Janv. 2008, 12:06:08
Hello Macbig i´m interested into buying you a yamaha tw 225. I want the japanise oficial web site one, the black 20th aniversary one. I send you a photo. Could you tell me please how much it will cost me, your mail address so i can contact you directly.

My address is tom26a@yahoo.es
6  Les forums / Discussions générales / Re: Me presento le: Sam. 26 Janv. 2008, 11:43:45
Eh gracias grugu, voy a ehcar un vistazo  ;-)
7  Les forums / Discussions générales / Re: Me presento le: Sam. 26 Janv. 2008, 11:24:22
Gracias por tu respuesta. Yo pensaba en la tw 225 porque el diseño es mas bonito que la tw200 que tenemos aquí e españa: el faro es resdondo, los colores más bonitos y pensé que esos 25 cc de más, aunque son pocos, le darían un poco más de potencia.  Yo he estado probando una honda cb 250 y es genial en el sentido de que en primera y en segunda, la moto anda sola sin tener que darle gas. Sin embargo, en la van van 125 esto no sucede, si vas en primera o segunda y no le das gas, se ahoga la moto y se para.
Por eso pensé tambien en la tw225 porque quizas al tener mayor cilindrada tenga también esa virtud
8  Les forums / Discussions générales / Re: Me presento le: Sam. 26 Janv. 2008, 04:35:41
Podrías ayudarme? Estoy pensando en traerme una Yamaha tw 225 o una van van 200 de japon pero no se como hacer para que me la homologuen en españa
9  Les forums / Discussions générales / Re: Me presento le: Sam. 26 Janv. 2008, 04:33:58
Hola a todos! Soy un poco nuevo e esto de las big wheels pero para el poco tiempo que llevo, me tiene entusiasmado.
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