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« le: Dim. 27 Janv. 2008, 12:09:47 »

Good morning people! I´m new at motorcycles and I have lots of questions, but the main is this: My sister have bught a suzuki van van 125 it´s ok, i like it a lot, but i don´t like that if you drive in second speed and you take your hand of the gas handle, the motorcycle does not keep on walking, it has no power and stop.
I also don´t like that the gas handle is very sensible and if you push it a little or if you take your hand of it a little, is like a braket. I have driven a 250 cc motrocycle and all in it is diferen´t, in second speed the bike keep on moving wihtout pushing the gas, the aceleration in short speeds are more progresive and if you take your hand of the gas it doesn´t reduce the speed suddenly but progresive so is softer. Is like driving a car.  
I want to buy a tw 225 and i want to know that as it has a powerful engine is similar to a 250cc and difrent to a van van 125.
Thanks everybody
Membre BWA
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Localisation: Midi-Pyrénées / Haute-Garonne / Toulouse
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« Répondre #1 le: Dim. 27 Janv. 2008, 12:33:37 »

Hey Tom26 ! Welcome !

For sure the TW200 & 225 are more powerfull than the TW 125 or Vanvan 125... But you know, the bigger the engine (especially a single), the softer the drive ! So it's normal that you don't find the same sensations with a 125 than a 250cc.
You can make thing go better by preparing the engine. It's no really to get much power, but the max speed is reaching more quicly, and more often.
TW 200, TW 225 & Vanvan 200 are not available in France. You can find used ones in Spain & Portugal (TW200 & 225). For the Vanvan 200 I just don't know, sorry...

See you & take care !

Salut à vous, BigWheelistes de tout poil ! Ainsi qu'aux autres...
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« Répondre #2 le: Dim. 27 Janv. 2008, 19:19:45 »

 Thanks taitai for your answer. I´m thinkinn in a 225 or 200 cc bike. I´m getting my license soon and i´m expecting for a bike.

tom26 a écrit :
Cylindre de Bronze
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« Répondre #3 le: Dim. 27 Janv. 2008, 19:41:05 »

Pariente, si quieres algo chulo, con personalidad y potencia, mírate ésta. Salu-3

No por mucho tempranar, amanece más madruga.
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