a TW-driver (he lives in Israel) from the US-TW200 forum had a very good idea for a new and better suspension. He installed a Yamaha R1/R6 suspension.
The big positive from this suspension: Complete adjustable!!!
And the R1 suspension does have a bigger stroke (TW -> 48mm; R1 -> 65mm).
I adapted this idea for my Cross TW and Supermotard TW.
At first, the comparetion between all rear suspensions:
-> org. suspension
length: 330mm
-> org. suspension with 35mm tailraiser (important for Cross TW)
length: 365mm (absolut max. for TW)
-> R1 (and R6) suspension
length: 300mm
To have a correct seat hight with the new suspension is a good tailraiser with a fitting length very important.
for same hight like org. suspension:
R1 + 25mm = 5mm shorter as org. suspension (325mm)
R1 + 30mm = same length like org. suspension (330mm)
R1 + 35mm = 5mm longer as org. suspension (335mm)
for high raised tail:
R1 + 55mm = 25mm longer as org. suspension (355mm)
R1 + 60mm = 30mm longer as org. suspension (360mm)
R1 + 65mm = 35mm longer as org. suspension (365mm)
You can see here the ground clearance from my Supermotard TW with the small (and low) 150/70-14.
Now the steps for the installation:
Step 1
- Mount the raiser - the top holes must fit correctly
- bore some sec. with a 10mm drill in the lower hole, to make a mark
Step 2
- bore a hole with a 4...6mm drill in the marked position
- bore this hole up to 10mm
Step 3
- remove the bushing/sleeve from the org. suspension and insert it in the new suspension
- make a new bushing/sleeve with this measurements:
outer diameter: 17mm
inner diameter: 12mm
length: 40mm
Step 4
- the installation
The result with the 55mm raiser; grund clearance +~5cm
Here is a pic to compare the org. suspension with the R1 suspension with 3 differend raisers (55, 60 and 65mm)
The raisers (25, 30 and 35mm) can be used too for the org. suspension
You will find more pictures from the installed supensions in the threads from my bikes
-> Supermotard TW (Link)-> Cross TW (Link)